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Introducing Countries of South Asia. Part#1.

This blog is part of my blog series on south Asia. In this blog, I will introduce 5 countries of the region, BangladeshMaldives, Sri LankaNepal and Bhutan.
Two major countries, Pakistan and India, and their relations need a separate page to discuss. So I will be covering these two giant countries in the second part of this blog.
Let's start,


Bangladesh, once part of Pakistan as East Pakistan, was separated from India with Pakistan but in 1971 got independence as Bangladesh after a brief nine-month war against Pakistan Army. Bangladesh is one of the world's densely populated countries with 1679 people living per square kilometers. 85 % of the population is Muslim and about 15 % Hindu. Dhaka is the capital city if the country. Bangladesh with the population of about 155 million is double delta region if Ganges river and Bhramaputra River. About 24 % people live in urban cities. DhakaChittagong, Rangpur, Rajshai, and Khulna are the major urban center in the country.
Bangladesh is subject to massive natural disasters. As in ninthennth century, eight out of ten biggest disasters in the whole world struck this country.
alt_656247_gallery_58ac2dbed231e_pngscreen shot from Google Map

Disasters here are floods from both of the rivers, earthquake, and Cyclones. In 1991 a cyclone killed around 150,000 people.High-level Arsenic in well water is a major health problem in Bangladesh.
Country us facing many economic and social problems due to its dangerous location and declining jute industry. The country produces fine quality rice and wheat is also produced here. Poverty us high here and per capita income is very low. The Recent action of government against Islamic political party is creating unrest in the country. Countries major sport is cricket which is flourishing day by day. Matches of ICC Cricket world cup 2011 were held in Bangladesh.


Maldive is a small country located in the southwest of south Asia in Indian sea. It is an island nation consisting if about 1000 islands with a population of just 300000 people.
People here are from Dravidian and Sri Lankan sources but all of them are Muslims. The capital of country Maale is the largest city of The Maldives.
Maldives us known for its magnificent beaches and hotels filled with tourists. It is richest country per capita in South Asia. All islands if Maldives are plane land with maximum elevation if 6 ft, making it vulnerable to uprising sea level due to global warming.
The Maldives photo by virginholidays

Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka is located in Indian ocean just 35 kilometers across Palk strait from southernmost edge of India. Country's capital city us Colombo. Sri Lanka was called Ceylon before 1972 got independence from Britain in 1948.
70 % of Sri Lankan population us Buddhist and are called Sinhalese and speak a language named Sinhala. In the nineteenth century. British colonists intervened and brought hundreds of Tamils to work here from south India. Now 18 % of the population is Tamil-Hindu.
alt_656247_gallery_58ac31ea11852_jpgSri Lanka Photo by Thomson Reuters

Disaster in Srilanka.

Srilanka is mainly a plantation country producing mainly rubber, tea, coconut, rice, millet, corn, and vegetables.
After independence, if Sri Lanka Tamil minority soon began proclaiming injustice from Colombo's government. Tamil was also declared as a national language in 1978 by the government but violence continued and in 1983 full-scale civil war broke out between government forces and Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam LTTE. LTTE gain control on northern Jaffna peninsula and extended their control to eastern part of the country. They claimed the new state of Eelam in their controlled area and continued anti- government activities. At last in 2002 government of Srilanka agreed to a cease-fire and negotiation started. But after 5 years of negotiation period government decided to fight back and within 2 years head of LTTE was killed and in May 2009 government regained control on all parts of the country.After that Sri Lanka is mostly peaceful and advancing towards progress.

Mountainous Northern Countries

Nepal and Bhutan are the land-locked countries by China on northern side and India in their south.


Nepal located in the south of India has a population about 29 million people and is divided into 3 geographic regions.
A southern fertile land called Terai central lowlands of Himalayan foothills and northern high peaks of Himalayas. 85 percent people are Hindu but Hinduism here is a blend if Hinduism and Buddhism as Nepal is the birth place of Buddhism. National language if Nepal is Nepali, a Hindi like language, which is spoken by 90% people here. World's highest peaks Mount Everest is here in Nepal located near the northern border with China. The capital of the country, Katmandu is located in the center of eastern half of the country. Kathmandu is the cultural center of Nepal.
Nepal Photo By Lonely Planet
Nepal was ruled by a king until 2006. The Maoist communist Party rebelled against the king and king was assassinated in 2002. Maoist took over the country and democratic elections were held in 2008. Now Nepal is mostly peaceful but it is dangerous because of natural disasters such as Earthquake.
video by 12.5 Months via Youtube


Located between China and India is another buffer state of Mountainous Bhutan. Bhutan has the population of About 0.75 million people. Buddhism is the official national religion of the state. Buddhist marks can be seen throughout the country. Bhutan is ruled by a king but in 2007 king decided political party system in the country and elections were held in 2008. The national assembly is located in Thimphu, the capital of Country. 
Bhutan has mineral recourses but isolation and lack of technology have prevented government from using them. Hydroelectric power, forests, and tourists are major potentials of Bhutan.
alt_656247_gallery_58ac352d3b190_jpgImage By  feel Grafix
So these were the five countries of the South Asia. As mentioned above I shall be writing about Pakistan and India in the next part if the blog.
Thanks for reading this blog.
I shall be back until then stay blessed and keep smiling. 

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