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Introducing South Asia: The Subcontinent.

South Asia constitute 3% of total earth land area but 23% of the world's total population.
Today's political map has divided south Asia into seven countries, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Srilanka, BhutanNepal and the Maldives.
South Asia is a very important region in today's political and economic situation and has also played a very important role in History.
Before writing about Politics, Economy, History and culture I would like to describe South Asia's Geographic distribution.

Geography Of South Asia.

South Asia is a very diverse area having world's highest peaks, Mount Everest and K2, deserts, deep valleys, rice and wheat producing green lands and beautiful beaches and important ports of the Indian ocean.
Geographically it can be divided into Northern Mountain Ranges, rivers lowlands of IndusGangs And Brahmaputra rivers, southern platues of Deccan, Chota Nagpur, Potohar and central Indian platue and two island nations if Sri Lanka and Maldives with heart-catching beaches.
Monsoon is the lifeline for south Asian people because it brings seasonal rains, green crops and ultimately food. Although industrialization is expanding but the major source of income is still agriculture.
Rugged mountains of Western Pakistan, High peaks of Himalayas in north, dense forests of east Bangladesh and India and bay of Bengal and Arabian sea in south marks that boundaries of South Asia.
Video by Charlie Bliss Via Youtube

South Asia in Past.

Here in south Asia oldest human civilizations of the world were alive about 5000 years ago. Indus Valley civilization was centered in large and well-organized cities of Mohenjo daro and Harappa located in today's Pakistan. These cities had many similarities with modern cities of the world. Cities were well organized, streets were paved and houses were made of bricks. Cities were interconnected with trade routes. They traded with the old Mesopotamian region. This civilization ended about 3600 years ago.
alt_656247_gallery_58ac1aa4b7cad_jpgMohenjo daro Photo By Wikimedia
South Asia was invaded multiple times by Aryans, Persians, Afghanis, Mughals and Greeks.
About 3500 years ago Aryans from central Asia invaded south Asia.and started a new culture here. Hinduism started as Aryans came there. They came from northwestern passes such as Bolan Pass and Khaiber Pass and gave new colors to old Dravidian culture.

Caste System of Hinduism.

As Hinduism grew caste system flourished. Hindus were decided divided into Prime ones (Priests), soldiers, Farmers, labors, and untouchables (oppressed). Priests were at the top most level of social pyramid in Hinduism then soldiers then farmers and laborers. The Untouchables were at extremely low level. They were considered oppressed and were assigned ugliest tasks. Government if India banned caste system but still somehow this system is alive in India.
alt_656247_gallery_58ac1b8f6e1a9_jpgPhoto by BBC NEWS 

Birth of Buddhism.

About 2500 years ago a prince named was born in a Hindu State. His name was Siddharta. When he grew up he left his home and traveled the world. He selected life of a Monk for himself. Now he is known as Buddha, he founded Buddhism. Now Buddhism is followed by people of many countries such as Myanmar, Thailand, Srilanka, Tibet, Laos etc.

Alexander in India

Alexander on his journey to conquer the world entered India and fought many battles but he could not get success here. After losing his last battle in Jahalm he returned to Greek and was died in Babylon city.

Maurya Empire.

2 year after Alexander's return from India, Chandragupta Maurya founded Maurya Empire. Ashoka was a prominent king of Maurya Empire and he ruled India during 268 BC to 232 BC.
Maurya empire was First Indian giant empire extended to Indus river in the west, Bengal in east, Himalayas in the north and present Bengaluru city in the south. Ashoka was a Buddhist and worked for the prosperity of Buddhism.
alt_656247_gallery_58ac1d052994d_pngMaurya Empire Photo by" target="_blank">Wikimedia

Gupta Empire

After the end of Maurya Empire in 320 A.D, Chandragupta I founded the Gupta empire that lasted for about 200 years in Indian Subcontinent. During Gupta empire art, education and culture flourished in India. It lasted until 535A.D.

Islam in Subcontinent.

Islam came like a stroke tide in south Asia in the 10th century. Islam converted a very large number if population here in India. Invaders from Persia and Afghanistan continuously attacked India. In the 15th century, a strong Muslim Empire has established in India"The Mughal Empire". Mughal ruled India till " Independence War " in 1857.
alt_656247_gallery_58ac1de1be7b1_jpg Mughal Empire Photo by free Manpedia

British Raj

British who came for trade took over the control of whole India. English people ruled about 90 years in South Asia.

Partition Of India.

After world war II brutish was not strong enough to rule on India. Actually, Partition was due to Muslim idea of two nations. Two nation Theory says that Hindu and Muslims are two separate nations and they can not live together under a democratic government. Struggles of Qaid e Azam and Gandhi came true and Pakistan and India were separated in August 1947.
Muslim Refugees on their way to Pakistan in 1947 Photo By Dawn News
But this separation flared revolts across borders and killed about 10 million people. One of the World's largest migration occurred. In 1971 newly born state Pakistan was divided in western Pakistan and east Bangladesh after a nine-month war.

South Asia Today.

South Asia is becoming a very important region in the political and economic face of The World. Here are two rivals, Pakistan and India, both of them having nuclear capability and have fought 3 wars on major unresolved issues of Kashmir and water. Indian economy is continuously progressing due to information technology boom. Sri Lanka is becoming peaceful after a long internal war. Bangladesh is listed in Next Eleven due to its fast growing industry and youth potential. Pakistan is fighting against terrorist movement and strengthening friendship with China by mega projects Such as CPEC. Bhutan and Nepal, landlocked countries are facing the major issue of poverty and hunger. Maldives is known for its beautiful sunny beaches and tourism industry.
alt_656247_gallery_58ac20cd6ae48_jpgSouth Asia Today Photo By Webteach
Thats it from my side, I shall be back with new blog on new topic .Inshallah

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