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I think I do not need to introduce Pakistan. Pakistan is located in South Asia, Afghanistan, which is under war from decades, China, world's second largest economy and largest population, Iran, one of the oil-richest countries, India, world's largest democratic state are neighbors of Pakistan. Stats of middle east are also closely linked with Pakistan.Pakistan also holds a key position on the rout of oil and trade though sea, linked with all world with Arabian sea and International airlines.
So, that was a brief geography of Pakistan. Actually, in this blog, I want to discuss Pakistan's military forces.
How powerful are Pakistan's military forces ??
How much Pakistan spend on its defense and security??
What are main challenges for Pakistan's military forces?
Does Pakistan spend more than enough on its defense and Military?
I will try to answer these questions here.

Now have a look on Pakistan Military Forces.

Pakistan Military is the 6th largest armed force in the world and largest armed force in Islamic countries with almost 650000 active personals. Pakistan armed forces consist of Pakistan Nevi, Pakistan Air Force (PAF) and Pakistan Army. Pakistan is single nuclear power in the Islamic world with more than 100 warheads. Nuclear programs of Pakistan is also controlled by Pakistan armed forces. Pakistan Forces are equipped with most advanced weapons, missile system, submarines, tanks, thunder jets. Pakistan army soldiers are considered as best soldiers of the world. Pakistan army is not only protecting Pakistan but it is also a very active member of UN peacekeeping program and also provides training services to other countries especially Islamic countries.
alt_656247_gallery_588f0914d9b2e_pngscreenshoot from source

Pakistan forces have fought many battles and have operated many successful operations. First war that Pakistan fought was against India in 1947-48 on Kashmir issue. Then again Pakistan army showed its strength and expertise against India in 1965 war, 1971 war, Siachen conflict, and Kargil war. Pakistan forces also helped Arab countries against Israel and successfully defeated Israel air force. Pak Army also played role in 1st golf war, Bosnia, Congo and Afghan-Russia war.

Having nuclear power, best soldiers of the world, most advanced missiles, tanks, warships, jets and number one intelligent agency (ISI- inter service intelligence) Pakistan military is one of the most powerful forces of the world.
We often hear that Pakistan army eats 80% of Pakistan budget and do nothing.
Here are some interesting facts about Pakistan for those who say Pakistan army do nothing.
This year total budget of Pakistan is $42 billion.and budget allocated to Pakistan armed forces is $6.8 billion which is 15% of total budget.
Do you know that budget of Pakistan armed force is among lowest in the world?
Fortunately or unfortunately Pakistan due to Islamic ideology and strategic location Pakistan has the highest number of enemies in the world.

Destroying Pakistan or making its defense weak is the main agenda of some powerful countries such as India, US and Israel and then their allies NATO and Muslim countries such as Afghanistan.

That's why 3600 km of Pakistan border is war active (longest war active border of the world).
On basis of area Balochistan is biggest Provence of Pakistan and its many areas are under war. Karachi biggest city of Pakistan is also under war and terror. The city is in continuous operation since 2013. FATA ( federally administrated tribal areas), most difficult war areas of the world, are also completely under war against terror. 250000 army personals are active in FATA against terrorists.
It is not difficult yo guess needs if Pakistan army and security but amazing worlds 6th biggest army is on 25th position all over the world when we talk about its expenses. A very big atomic and missile program is also part of these expenses.

Defense expenses if Pakistan is 2.8 percent of countries total gross production. Remember it is the total gross production, not budget.

Whereas defense expenses of America are 4.7 % of their gross production, Russia 3.9%, Israel 6.9%, Saudi Arabia 11.4%, UAE 6.9%, and Afghanistan spends 6.4% on their defense. India which is 5 times bigger than Pakistan in area and population spends 8 times higher on its defense. India spends $50 billion on its defense.

The total defense budget of America is $642 billion. China spends $160 billion, Saudia Arabia which seeks army helps from Pakistan spends $81 billion, Russia which was defeated by Pakistan spends $70 billion, Israel with a population of just 8.2 million spends $23 billion even Afghanistan spends $11 billion on its defense.

A few people know that military expenses of Iran, Columbia, UAE, Singapore, Taiwan, Chili, and Norway are more than that of Pakistan.

We Muslims can understand the importance of defense and independence by the fact that in the home of Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) Often there was nothing to eat. The day He (P.B.U.H) left this world, the house had no oil to light. But there were 9 swords hanging on the walls.
Politicians, who exploit the abundant resources of Pakistan and Pakistan's economy, assume that the solution to all problems of Pakistan is '

"Reduce defense Expenses" ...!

None of these countries compromise on its defense and no voice arises against the defense.
Although many of them are those which do not face any battle anywhere.
After understanding these facts this question arises that people who object Pakistan's defense budget are immature friends or intelligent foe?
Aknowledgment this post is also submitted here by same authe

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