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Plane Crash: Last Words of Pilots.

Plane Crash: Last Words of Pilots.

In the whole world, there are above nine thousand Total registered airlines including national airlines, military air forces, cargo airlines, air training private and public companies, and rich people having one or more air jets.
Number of plane crash and casualties is high in companies which have a large number of aircraft, the number of flights, and passengers.
All the data about these incidents can be found on the websites of relevant companies.
Russia is at top of the list with about 10500 casualties in air accidents. Data of some other big countries is almost the same but after ten to fifteen countries on this list, the number of casualties is in hundreds.

Plane Crash

In this chart of air crash, Pakistan holds position number twenty-four. The total number of plane crashes in PIA( Pakistan International Airlines) is seventeen and number of causalities is around seven hundred and seventy.
PIA is a large company holding records of longest hours flights. PIA do the business of around 70 billion rupees. National airline has a total of thirty-eight aircraft which travel on thirty-eight international route and twenty-two airports inside the country and twenty-eight international airports.

The ratio of accidents faced by PIA is not bigger than that of other countries every company faces accidents in this ratio.

Details of the national airline accidents are like this.

1. February 1956. Gilgit to Islamabad.Reason: Pilot error
2. July 1957.Chittagong to Dhaka. reason: CFIT
3. May 1958. Karachi to Delhi. reason: Pilot error and CFIT.
4. March 1965. Chitral from Peshawar. reason: CFIT.
5. May 1965. Karachi to Egypt, Dhahran Geneva, London. Due to low Altitude.
6. Oct 1965. Rawalpindi to Skardu. Cause: unknown
7. August 1970. Rawalpindi to Lahore. Cause: bad Weather
8. December 1970. Shamshairnagr airport Bangladesh. Due to Pilot error and Technical control error.
9. December 1972. Gilgit to Rawalpindi. reason: CFIT
10. November 1979. Jeddah to Karachi. Due to fire in aircraft.
11. March 1981. Karachi to Peshawar. Hijacked and was discarded in Kabul
12. Oct 1986. Lahore to Peshawar. Due to landing on a short runway.
13. Aug 1989. Gilgit to Islamabad. Disappeared from the scene and was not detected back.
14. September 1992. Karachi to Kathmandu. reason: CFIT
15. May 1998. Gwadar to Hyderabad. Hijacked and was discarded in Hyderabad.
16. July 2006. Multan to Lahore. Engine malfunction and pilot error.
17. December 2016. Chitral to Islamabad. CFIT + under investigation?

Plane Crash: Last Words of Pilots.PIA

What is CFIT?

A controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) is an accident in which an aircraft, under pilot control, is unintentionally flown into the ground, a mountain, a body of water or an obstacle.In a typical CFIT scenario, the crew is unaware of the impending disaster until too late.Accidents where the aircraft is out of control at the time of impact, because of mechanical failure or pilot error, are not considered CFIT, they are known as uncontrolled flight into terrain.

Accidents where the aircraft is out of control at the time of impact, because of mechanical failure or pilot error, are not considered CFIT , they are known as uncontrolled flight into terrain (UCFIT), nor are accidents resulting from the deliberate action of the person at the controls, such as acts of terrorism or suicide by pilot.
CFIT is a leading cause of airplane accidents involving the loss of life, causing over 9,000 deaths.

In CFIT scenario pilot understands his mistake very late when it becomes very difficult to uplift or turn aircraft.
For example speed of aircraft is usually 600 hundred kilometer per hour (10 km per minute) and maximum height from earth is usually 3600 thousand feet (10 km).

If the pilot does not look at altimeter for 1 minute and the nose is down than aircraft can hit earth only in one minute. Similarly due to dust, fog, bad weather cloud packets pilot could not see that there is a thirty thousand feet high mountain and 10km next to him. So, his attitude should be more than mountain height but a delay of just 30 seconds can cause an accident.

In last 16 year, around 2700 air accident happened killing around 19000 people. So, the ratio is 120 people per accident. According to known data in total, around 150000 people died in air crashes.1300000 people die annually in road accidents and 2000000 people are injured.
Causes of Air Crashes.

Following are the main reasons behind air accidents.

55% of the accidents are due to pilot's fault.
20% of accidents are due to technical faults.
7% accidents are due to bad weather situations.
8% Hijacking reasons.
10% of accidents occur due to other reasons.
I am going to discuss these errors in detail below.

Pilot errors

CFIT, low flying, unmaintained altitude, direction error, errors during landing, fast speed, missing runway, late landing, bringing the plane down before specified limit, clash of two aircrafts due to pilot error and errors during take off.
Plane Crash: Last Words of Pilots.
Biggest air crash Tenerife airport disaster killed 583 prople Source

Tactical errors:

Engine failure, failure of altimeter or Other Equipment, crack in body, wings or flap and poor maintenance.

The weather:

Low sight, heavy rain, lightning, fast wind, air packets in which plane jumps up and down, snow and wind storm.


Hijacking, missile attack or explosives inside the plane.


Air traffic control errors, Communication errors, ground crew's navigation problems, overload, poor quality fuel, less fuel, runway problem, hurdles on the highway, bird's hit or fire.

Last Words Of Pilots.

Here I want to share last words of pilots of some crashes flights recorded in the black box.

Pacific Air Lines

Skipper's shot! We've been shot. I was trying to help.

American Airlines

Have you still got the runway OK? Ah .. just barely .. we'll pick up the ILS here


Unable to make out your last message, will you please repeat

Trans World Airlines

Not very # far off the runway. Sure as # isn't.

Ariana Afghan Airlines

We're finished!

Southern Airways

We’re going to do it right here.

Pacific Southwest Airlines

Ma I love you.


So he gave us wrong indications. We thought we were to the left.

United Airlines

United 173, Mayday! We're... the engines are flaming out - we're going down!

Air New Zealand

Actually, these conditions don't look very good at all, do they?

Saudi Arabian Airlines

No need for that, we are okay, no problem, no problem.

Air Florida

Larry, we're going down, Larry.... I know it!

WNBC news copter

...hit the water...hit the water...hit the water.


What? There's what? Some hills, isn't there?


Oh, this can't be!Oh, this can't be!

LOT Polish Airlines

Goodnight, Goodbye, We Perish! Aloha


We cannot communicate with the flight attendants.

Air Asia Flight QZ8501,

‘Allahu Akhbar’, meaning ‘God is greatest’.

Delta Airlines flight 1141

We got an engine failure. We're not gonna make it. Full power.

Plane Crash: Last Words of Pilots.
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Surinam Airways flight

That's it I'm dead.

United Airlines

Nah, I can't pull 'em off or we'll lose it, that's what's turning ya.


Flame out! Flame out on engine number four.

El Al

1862 Going, going down, going down, copied going down?


A bit low, a bit low, a bit low.

American Int. Airways

There it goes, there it goes! Oh no!

China Airlines

It's OK, It's OK, don't hurry, don't hurry.


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